Sunday, November 23, 2008

Crisco Crust

Nick Black wrote:

I used to bake a lot when I was a kid, mostly because my mom was a health food nut and wouldn't buy any store bought sweets. If you wanted the sweets, make-m your self, but you have to use the classic Crisco Pie Crust and you must use Crisco

My mom as well, was a "Crisco Mom". Crisco does indeed make a flaky crust and these crusts are very consistent. Since we've all found out that trans fats aren't the wisest choice for our hearts & such, we suggest going for animal fats like butter, lard and our favorite, bacon fat. Here is a link to a bit of history on crisco.

Keep on baking & pieing!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Crisco or equivanlent is good. Butter is good. I like lard, seems flakier.

Haven't tried bacon fat or chicken schmaltz. Might be good for a savory pie.

When I'm lazy, I get frozen crap at Kroger.