Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Calls from the West

Well I just got off the Pie-1-1 direct dial hot line(used by those who have immediate needs and one of our phone numbers).

Nathan who is concocting a pear, ginger, and cheese pieesque ensemble for Thanksgiving. He phoned in from the Rainbow Grocery about crusts and ginger. He is making a buckwheat crust which sounds tasty and he had a question on what kind of Ginger to use. Crystallized, fresh, or powdered?

Well the Crystallized is yummy, but often doesn't pack enough of a punch. Fresh ginger packs a punch, but is not often sweet enough. Powdered ginger is pretty much useless in this case. So we decided that a lot of crystallized ginger with a bit of grated fresh ginger should do the trick. Adding a little lemon zest from the rind will also add a bit of unforeseen brightness. Your guests will wonder and awe over the delight.

Pie on Nathan

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